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Fair Trade Federation Conference | Ethical Brand Marketing

Ethical Storytelling: Addressing Power Dynamics in Your Brand Narrative

At what point does cultural appreciation become more harmful than impactful? From the nuance of language to photography, discover how to responsibly convey your fair trade brand story. This session is designed to help you integrate cultural humility into your brand narrative and marketing strategy so you can foster authentic change, effectively convey your impact to customers, and build an inclusive global community.

Social Media Best Practices: Developing a Social Strategy for Your One-of-a-Kind Brand

From the handmade products you create to the online content you generate, quality is the key to your success. Social media marketing is a great way to foster community and is most effective when you have a purpose-driven strategy in place. While it is easy to create accounts on the latest platforms, simply posting won’t help your business grow. Learn how to create a powerful, highly targeted online presence to effectively convey your brand story and build a following of loyal customers.