Episode 01: Welcome to Art of Citizenry Podcast

Welcome and thank you for listening to Art of Citizenry podcast! This podcast explores the intersection of social justice, personal journeys, and power dynamics. In this debut episode, meet Manpreet Kaur Kalra, your host and in-house social entrepreneur.

[Episode Transcript] A Note from Manpreet

Over the years, I've traveled across six continents, spending extended periods of time in cities and villages around the world. As the stamps in my 52 page passport continued to multiply, so did my passion to do something impactful. My travels left me with a deep rooted desire to “do good” and be a part of a bigger change in how we create, sell and consume products. I started a small retail business. I wanted to better understand supply chains and how a sustainable business can do good. During that journey, I realized two things: the first, that impact does not scale like a business and secondly that sometimes doing good does more harm. Like so many other social entrepreneurs, what I failed to recognize at that moment was that my small business alone could not solve generations of structural inequity.

Doing Good in an Unequal World

This podcast comes out of my experience as a social entrepreneur and advocate for inclusive brand narratives. Over the past few years, I have worked with purpose-driven businesses dedicated to producing things ethically. Through my work, I have seen the many ways in which doing good can create great impact, but I have also discovered the ways in which it can reinforce cultural stereotypes and colonial power dynamics.

Social Justice, Identity, and Impact

Over the course of each episode, we will explore topics of social justice through the lens of identity and impact. This podcast is dedicated to creating a space for listeners to reflect and challenge themselves. Talking about difference is uncomfortable, but true change in the way you navigate through life can only happen if you are willing to navigate through discomfort. Doing good in an unequal world requires giving ourselves the space to reflect and approach inequity with humility.

Whether you are an aspiring social entrepreneur, an academic or social justice warrior, I hope this podcast gives you the opportunity to learn something new.

I look forward to you joining me as we explore the art of citizenry.


This podcast is dedicated to creating a safe space to discuss and challenge topics surrounding how we each navigate our personal advantages and disadvantages.

Thank you for listening! Please subscribe, download, and leave a review for Art of Citizenry Podcast on iTunes — I appreciate your love and support on this exciting journey!

Also, if you want to connect, please feel free to follow me and share your thoughts with me on Instagram @manpreetkalra.

Manpreet Kalra